



What Is Spondylolisthesis?

Spondylolisthesis is a spinal condition that occurs when one of the vertebrae in your spinal column moves out of place, moving onto the vertebra below it. The word comes from a combination of Greek words; spondylos, which means “spine,” and listhesis, which means “to slip.” This condition can become very painful for the patient. If the vertebra moves out of alignment, it can put pressure on the nerves in the patient’s back. This can create lower back pain and pain in the patient’s legs. In some cases, it can cause the patient to lose control over his or her bladder or bowel. If this occurs, the patient should get medical help right away.

The Causes Of Spondylolisthesis

Your spinal column is made up of vertebrae, which are held together by facet joints. These allow your spine to bend and twist with your movements. Spondylolisthesis occurs when the facet joints become weak, injured, or start to deteriorate with age. The vertebrae can then move out of place, though how far they move and the results will vary. Some of the causes of this condition include:

This spinal condition can affect all ages; in fact, it can affect young children and teenagers who are involved in sports such as football, gymnastics, or weightlifting where there is a high amount of impact on their joints. That impact can cause stress fractures. Older adults can develop the condition due to the wear and tear on their body over the years, leading to fractures. Finally, the condition can occur when the ligaments that connect and stabilize the vertebrae are damaged or weakened and allow the vertebrae to slip out of place.

Spondylolisthesis is graded according to how much one vertebra slips compared to the adjacent vertebra:

Spondylolisthesis is a spinal condition that occurs when one of the vertebrae in your spinal column moves out of place, moving onto the vertebra below it. The word comes from a combination of Greek words; spondylos, which means “spine,” and listhesis, which means “to slip.” This condition can become very painful for the patient. If the vertebra moves out of alignment, it can put pressure on the nerves in the patient’s back. This can create lower back pain and pain in the patient’s legs. In some cases, it can cause the patient to lose control over his or her bladder or bowel. If this occurs, the patient should get medical help right away.

Spondylolithesis Causes And Symptoms


You can have this spinal condition and never actually experience any symptoms; the vertebrae may not move far enough out of place to cause you any pain. However, some patients with spondylolisthesis experience symptoms such as:

If you are experiencing a loss of bladder or bowel control, it’s important that you seek treatment from a medical professional right away.

Spondylolisthesis Diagnosis And Treatments


You usually get a spondylolisthesis diagnosis from a spine doctor. In order to start your slipped disc treatment, the doctor will need to take you through a workup to verify that this is the issue that is causing your pain. A workup could include the following:



You usually get a spondylolisthesis diagnosis from a spine doctor. In order to start your slipped disc treatment, the doctor will need to take you through a workup to verify that this is the issue that is causing your pain. A workup could include the following:


If you try the conservative treatments listed above for six months and still aren’t getting relief from your symptoms, your spine doctor might recommend surgical intervention. It may also be recommended if your vertebrae continue to slip out of place or if any spinal nerves start to become compressed. If a surgical solution is recommended, an endoscopic foraminoplasty could be the best option.

  • Endoscopic Foraminoplasty: If you are experiencing Grade I or II spondylolisthesis, this could be an effective procedure. The goal will be to decrease the pressure in the foramen, an opening around the exiting nerve, while maintaining the stability of the facet joint. That way, the patients shouldn’t require a spinal fusion. A ¼ inch incision is made to gain access to the spinal column, preserving the integrity of the muscles in the back. The spinal surgeon then uses an HD camera to get a view of your spinal cord. You’ll be given conscious sedation and kept comfortable throughout the surgery, lowering the recovery time and risks associated with general anesthesia.
  • Endoscopic Rhizotomy: Using a small incision and a microscopic camera, your surgeon will locate the affected nerve and ablate it to help minimize your pain.
  • Endoscopic Laminotomy: During this procedure, your surgeon creates a small opening of the lamina right above and below the spinal disc. This relieves nerve compression.


Spondylolisthesis surgery is generally successful, and it provides much-needed relief from back and neck pain. But certain adjustments will be required shortly after the surgery to promote full recovery, including:


Recovery time is usually a few weeks. However, if your surgery also included spine fusion, you’ll need to wait for about three to four months. During this time, you need to keep seeing your therapist and specialist for spondylolisthesis pain management before the bones solidify. The success rate for spondylolisthesis is about 90 percent, with patients reporting during follow-up that it relieved them of pain.