Arthritic deterioration can be detected using X-rays and MRIs. However, it’s difficult to differentiate between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis because they have such closely related physical symptoms. To confirm that the diagnosis is the autoimmune condition rheumatoid arthritis, doctors look at the following to officially tell the difference:
- Family medical history to see if it is inherited
- Blood tests in order to check for the antibodies that trigger rheumatoid arthritis
- Imaging tests for signs of inflammation
Unfortunately, both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are chronic conditions with no known cures. Treatments for both are similar, with the aim of managing pain and reducing further destruction in the joints. However, rheumatoid arthritis patients require additional medication to prevent the immune system from continuing to attack healthy joint tissue. Treatment options might include:
- Joint Injections
- Viscosupplementation
- PRP/Stem Cells Treatment
Whether you have arthritis in the spine, hands, neck, or knees, and no matter what’s causing the pain, we can help.