who we are
We offer extensive medical procedures to outbound and inbound patients.
For 20 years Kevin Martinsen has brought cutting edge, innovation to the spine surgery market. Kevin was the first manufacturers representative to identify the developing need for interventional spine access and surgical treatment over fifteen years ago. Since that time he has managed and developed the Tri-State hospital and surgical market for various manufacturers.
A family man he has developed a family centered surgical and sales and distribution formula in the Tri-state region that is second to none. Focused on deliverables for every one of his manufacturers Kevin has placed long term team members to drive product success and much more importantly patient success. Personally Kevin is a father, husband, surfer, cancer survivor and organ donor recipient (some folks borrow their brothers cloths this guy borrowed a portion of a liver!). His experience in the surgical suite comes from an understanding of both provider and patient.
Important Milestones
Ambulances begin to be restructured to become mobile hospitals...
Technology Launch
Magnetic resonance imaging is introduced.
Acute care hospitals (active short-stay care) and ambulatory surgery.
Technology Launch
Spinal Surgeons are offered a way to reach the spine via minimally invasive technology.